Japanese used machine,CNC lathe ,machine tools,Made in japan,used machine export business,Sheet metal,milling machine,Used machine for sale,industrial,Farm machine



会社案内/Corporate guidance




代表:飯村 勝昭

How do you do, welcome to the Iimura factory!
 Tomoharu Iimura, the predecessor, started our company from one general-purpose lathe in 1968. I hope eagerly to conceive the heart of deep gratitude to the origin of things also concerning what kind of person in myself at the same time it thinks it important to explain from the origin for telling a company.
  Work is a means and the purpose is to become happy. Even if it brings down people, there are those who can overemphasize and live only to their advantage.
However, it does not become happy to become rich, even if allowed.
  I think that there are only their efforts if you would like to live dignifiedly, without flattering no one. It is said that God of management and Konosuke Matsushita also noticed it at the age of 15. Probably, the future is different although it is still blessed Japan now [ that / this ] that the great man of Japan of a front time and predecessors built for a while. However, the foundation of prosperity should bud at the place which regained the spirit of Meiji.
  Although it is a talk which is unrelated to the work content of our company, I was allowed to introduce myself first of all.
  Encounter which can build the reciprocity which sympathizes with each other ...

Representation: Katsuaki Iimura

会社概要/Corporate profile

社名 有限会社 飯村製作所
所在地 〒300-4423
茨城県 桜川市 真壁町塙世422-10
連絡先 電話番号:0296-23-8282  
E-mail :iimura_shatyou@krf.biglobe.ne.jp




役員 代表取締役:飯村 勝昭
事業内容 ・車両部品、産業機械、農業機械部品、油圧部品の製造販売
主要取引銀行 ・常陽銀行 協和支店  ・足利銀行 下館支店  ・筑波銀行 筑西支店
・茨城県信用組合 協和支店  ・日本政策金融公庫

